Software Customers | Use Cases | HR + L&D Teams
Set learning objectives for your organization and then leverage features like triggers and branching to give users a personalized and goal-based learning experience.
Bring training to life with events. Create a monthly calendar of recurring on-demand events to cover all your bases. Incorporate on-demand event registration as a milestone in your ongoing onboarding and training workflows.
Incorporate fully customizable emails into your onboarding and training workflows. Schedule email sends ahead of time or select an activity trigger to automate email sends.
Monitor and measure user adoption as they progress through specific flows. See where they’re getting hung up, what they’re searching for, and measure the success of your overarching efforts.
Effective use of software - like your collaboration and communication tools - is critical to employee success. BrainStorm helps HR teams manage the technology aspect of the employee experience, including new hire software orientation and helping employees transition to new technologies.
Effective use of software - like your collaboration and communication tools - is critical to employee success. BrainStorm helps HR teams manage the technology aspect of the employee experience, including new hire software orientation and helping employees transition to new technologies.
"The BrainStorm platform changes the way we all learn. It's extremely intuitive and allows us to establish organizational initiatives with a personalized touch. We like that it can tailor itself to our firm's needs. It speaks to individuals to help them do their job better."
Danielle DeLonge
Technology Training Consultant
Plante Moran
Make technology part of your employee experience strategy through BrainStorm.
Help employees use technology to save time and automate tasks so they can focus on meaningful work.
Give employees a turnkey way to grow their technical skills to ensure your workforce keeps up.
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