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Meet the new product academy

Less than 5% of licensed software users visit product academies. It's time for that to change. BrainStorm has renovated the product academykeeping all the good parts, and fixing the rest.

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A Customer Onboarding professional standing near a Stevie 2024 winner award logo and a workflow thumbnail with three radial bar charts below, displaying course progress.

Check out our Monthly Insights Program for CE pros. 

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Your customers deserve education that's just as innovative as your product is

How would your customer education strategy change if it wasn't limited by the features of an external LMS or product academy? BrainStorm isn't another legacy LMS pivoting to a new market. See how we're different.

  • Distribution
  • Adaptive workflows
  • Communications
  • Events
  • Surveys
Distribution settings for content visibility and usage. Groups are selected to add their accounts, and a cursor icon is clicking on the publish button.


With BrainStorm, enable your customers to proactively distribute your academy content to their users with a single click. Customer Education teams can manage all content globally and curate it by customer or account type. Ask less of your customers and get better results by making end-user adoption turnkey for them.

Who uses it?

A workflow displaying three sub-tasks in one module, adapted based on learning preferences, surveys, and user behavior.

Adaptive workflows

Assemble training assets like videos, PDFs, events, emails, and surveys into dynamic workflows for your customers. Apply branching logic and triggers to customers through personalized learning paths tailored to their needs. Enjoy automated personalization.

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Who uses it?

A workflow displaying three sub-tasks in one module, adapted based on learning preferences, surveys, and user behavior.


Nudge customers to learn more about new features and use cases relevant to them. With BrainStorm, emails are baked into your onboarding and adoption campaigns.

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Who uses it?

An event thumbnail for an on-demand or live training webinar.


Embed on-demand events into your onboarding and training courses to drive better registration and attendance. Scale the way you deliver key information to customers, from onboarding to new feature releases. Then, enable clients to do the same with their licensed users.

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Who uses it?

A survey question with three answer options. Each answer has a bar leading to a specific asset thumbnail.


Add in-line surveys into your onboarding and training workflows to gather customer insights, product feedback, and assess understanding. Use survey responses to automatically guide customers down personalized learning paths.

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Who uses it?

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Is your customer education attach rate low? Don't just train your active users

Your current customer education, customer marketing and customer support tech stack only reaches users who are already active in your product. And according to Productiv, only 47% of software licenses are used. Don't forget about the other 53% of users.

Product university

Active users seeking information

Product support

Active users seeking help

Product comms

Opened by active users

In-product tours

Active users in the product

Reach all users with BrainStorm

Product Academy

  • Customer resource
  • Passive course library
  • Destination (users come to you)
  • Linear course paths
  • Insights into academy usage
  • One-to-many self-service portal


  • Customer tool
  • Active campaign library
  • Outreach (you go to users)
  • Adaptive learning
  • Insights into product adoption
  • Private self-service portals at scale

Make the switch with BrainStorm’s content & migration services

Our skilled advisory team is available to help you build a tailored migration plan—including moving assets, refreshing assets, and building new assets. Make your transition in phases, all at once, or based on a specific use case. Your transition to BrainStorm will be hassle-free.

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Trained customers are


more likely to use the product more often


more likely to use the product more independently


more likely to renew their contracts

Source: Technology Services Industry Association

Frequently asked questions
What is customer education?

Customer education teaches customers how to use a product or service effectively. Customer education teams create training content to help customers understand features, expand their use cases, answer questions, and ultimately realize more value.

Why does customer education matter?

Decision-makers are using customer education programs to improve customer experience, with 79% viewing these programs as essential to their CX strategy (Forrester). When executed well, customer education reduces support costs, improves customer retention, and enhances the overall user experience.

What is a product academy?

A product academy, sometimes called a customer LMS or product university, is an educational platform that provides training resources like tutorials, courses, and webinars to help users understand and maximize a product's features.

What is BrainStorm?

The BrainStorm software adoption platform brings Customer Success, Customer Education, and clients together in the same tool to drive unparalleled user adoption. Rather than a passive content library, BrainStorm enables clients to hit "go" on adoption campaigns expertly crafted by Customer Education teams. These campaigns include emails, courses, tips, events, assessments and more. See how BrainStorm is transforming SaaS adoption through actionable customer education.

A triple Venn diagram representing MarCom, Training, and Data, with the BrainStorm propeller head logo in the overlapping center area.


What learning formats does BrainStorm support?

BrainStorm is built to help anyone create enablement experiences, not just instructional designers. Instead of linear courses, make adaptive learning flows with reusable assets. 

Upload videos and PDFs as standalone assets. Create surveys and assessments. Design communication templates. Host live and recorded events. Then, design adaptive experiences for users that sequence the right content at the right time.

Manage content and repurpose it, instead of building out rigid SCORM courses. 

But, don't worry if you've built your past content using SCORM, we'll help you migrate.

  • Adobe logo
  • Fishbowl logo
  • Quickbase logo
  • Techsmith logo

Meet with an expert to discuss your needs 

Accelerate onboarding, activate users, and drive adoption of new features—all with the next wave of the product academy.

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