Features that work

An approach as unique as your organization

Why use a generic approach when you have teams of unique individuals? Our learning solutions suit all types of learners—from the anxious newbie to the reluctant adopter.

IT managers Profile Image

Reduce help desk calls

Increase software adoption and reduce help desk calls by empowering your users with the right training. Easier software rollouts and increased utilization will drive measurable value for your organization.
Security execs

New approach to security threats

Create a culture of security within your organization by teaching your users to recognize security threats and be more mindful of the way they share files, communicate, and collaborate.
Learning & Development Image

More adoption, more profits

Increase profits by providing your customers with a powerful solution that drives user satisfaction, engagement, and education.

Unique, proven approach

Make user adoption actually work

See measurable productivity

Confident, empowered teams are more productive. Period. You’re going to see measurable results that you’ll want to show off.

BrainStorm facts:

  • One BrainStory learning journey can save an average of 18 minutes of employee productivity per week.
  • One live BrainStorm event saves an average of 1 hour of employee productivity per week.
  • One BrainStorm playlist prevents one $25 help desk call per employee each week.

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See measurable productivity Images

Range of learning methods

Everyone learns differently, which is why BrainStorm QuickHelp™ uses a variety of methods and strategies to ensure all learners on your teams easily adopt your new tech.

Our learning tools include:

  • Personalized learning paths
  • Real-life user and business scenarios
  • Bite-sized video tips and tricks
  • Live events hosted within the platform

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Range of learning methods Image

Give your users tools that make them want to learn

Your users need to be engaged and interested to learn. That’s why we use methods such as challenges, gamification, and performance tracking to motivate users and get them excited about learning. 

Proven learning methods include:

  • Challenges and hands-on practice
  • Gamification with badges and standings
  • Performance data and tracking

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Give your users... Image

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