You’ve probably heard that money doesn’t buy happiness. But if money has no bearing on how happy we are…what does? 

The smarties at Harvard have the answer. “As a personal commodity, money is extremely elastic, in that you can theoretically accumulate an infinite amount of it, and your income fluctuates at different points in your life,” says Ashley Whillans, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School. “Time, by contrast, is intrinsically inelastic: You cannot accumulate more of it, and you’ve never had any less of it. You get the same amount of minutes and hours in every day of your life.”

You may not be able to buy more time, but you can use the hours you do have better—and we can help with that. Because if there’s one place where we know time could always be used better, it’s at work.  

The Productivity Happiness Lab is a complimentary, six-week, self-paced course designed to promote happiness through better time management and productivity—all with the Microsoft tools you already have. 

Led by our productivity experts, you’ll receive: 

  • Assessments to measure your productivity happiness before and after the course

  • Weekly, on-demand productivity webinars 

  • 1:1 productivity coaching 

  • Thought leadership articles and tips for better work habits