The struggle is real


is the average number of collaboration services used by organizations

of files in the cloud contain sensitive data, and users must understand when and how to securely share files

of companies have projects held back due to concern over data security

Envision change with Box software

If your organization owns multiple collaboration and storage tools, end users may feel confused by their choices. Move beyond Box deployment to a clear vision and plan for what Box will help your organization accomplish. BrainStorm can help scale that change to targeted groups that need it most.


You might know your ultimate goals for Box. But do your users? Send automated communications to targeted user groups, promoting learning content that matches their skill level and job role. We'll help you promote relevant content to the right person, every time.

Group 6055-1


Thanks to the BrainStorm platform, end users can access multi-modal content like Box walkthroughs, quick videos and courses, user polls, and more. You can also customize the learning experience with content from your organization.

Group 6076-1


BrainStorm understands what makes people change their behavior and work smarter with their technology. Even better, BrainStorm helps you track usage and change, with data reporting, user sentiment insights, and other key metrics that shed light on how Box file sharing is happening--so you don't have to guess.

Group 6077-1

What’s included in Box training?

The Box content package includes 6 courses (with more on the way) that are designed to maximize efficiency of collaboration with better usage of features such as the Box Web App, Box Drive, Box Notes, and Box Mobile Apps.

Communication Templates Icon (S)

Communication templates​

Build credibility with messaging that helps your Box adoption go forward.​
Visual Awareness Collateral Icon (S)

Visual awareness collateral

Use breakroom posters and other visuals to get your users excited about Box.​
Smartsheet QuickTips Icon (S)

Box QuickTips

Drive continual progress and learning by highlighting specific Box features.​
Smartsheet Adoption Template Icaon (S)

Box adoption template​

Prepare for change and learn more about all the resources available to you.​

Check it out​

If you're a current BrainStorm customer and would like more info, let us know here.

Get started

Group 6074