Software updates suck …  

Yeah, I said it. 

They’re hard on everyone. Not just for the product person, who wipes a bead of sweat from her brow, as she crosses her fingers and hits a release button ... 

Your customers hate them too. 

Here’s why.  

Think back to the last time a software update hit your phone. You looked down at that little button on your screen, as it asked if you wanted to update now. How’d you feel?  

If I had a guess, you felt a bit ... 


The truth is, people hate change. And that’s what a software update is — change.  For your customers that means: 

  • Unexpected disruptions to their workflow. 
  • Learning new ways to do old things, without notice. 
  • Not being able to find the click paths they’re used to. 

Uh oh. 

Now, Customer Success, Customer Support, and Product will get questions.  

You’ll need to train your team — and your customer — on all the changes. Otherwise, your VP of Client Success will have an overwhelmed and frustrated team of CSMs trying to help customers without the training to do so. Or worse, your CSMs will steer customers away from the new features because they don’t know how to educate customers about them.    

All that development work with zero payoff… 

So, how do you prevent this? 

With ... 


Customer success automation. 

What’s that? 

I’m glad you asked. 

Customer success automation streamlines customer interactions, using software. As your customers interact with your product, their behavior is captured to trigger the training content they need to deepen their use. They apply the training, increase their adoption — and are more likely to renew. 

It happens at the same time as your release. 

Your CSMs are prepared before the release happens. Your customers receive training exactly when they need it. 

Two birds, one stone. 


How to do software updates — that are easy on your customers _ How it works


So, how’s it work? 

You get a login. 

When you go into the platform, create your own training materials in-line or request content production support. Then, you can create a flow — a process you build right into the system. You tell the system when, who and what to train, and it does it for you, over and over again. 

You’re in control. 

You determine what user behaviors will trigger a training activity. Then, use targeted and automated marketing to email and chat end users. This helps you to get their attention — and drive personal training at scale in ways reach a webinar or digital adoption platform can’t. 

The result?: 

  1. Speed.
  2. Depth. 
  3. Breadth. 


How to do software updates — that are easy on your customers _ Speed



Automation helps you reach users fast.  

You can onboard a customer the same day they sign a contract. There’s no need to wait to bill users because you haven’t sent them to your university. You can push your entire library of content to them with a simple push of a button. 


How to do software updates — that are easy on your customers  _ Depth



Reinforce the behaviors you want.  

Today your users may struggle to learn every software feature. That’s okay. Customer success automation will help you to build a better, stronger, and faster software user in bite-sized chunks. Their training is personalized to job function, and software knowledge. A fledgling newbie has a totally different path than a 3-year-old veteran. Both see improvement … and you get repeat buyers.  


How to do software updates — that are easy on your customers  _ Breath



Deep users create excitement.  

You need that in order to gain widescale adoption. See, success has a snowball effect. As your users get investment in how great your software tool is, they draw a crowd. Everyone else wants to see what all the fuss is about. They’ll be drawn into the tool and using customer success automation, they too can become experts, and share it with their colleagues as well. That's how you can increase renewals.  

Everyone wins.  

Your team is less stressed, able to focus on top-tier accounts, and ready for the renewal, confident that users are getting the support they need with customer success automation. 

Want to see it in action?  

Ask for a 90-day trial.