You’re here. 

Dice in hand, ready to rock ‘n’ roll. You can see the risks ahead. Truth is, even as a top-tier SaaS company, you’re still dealing with an average 7.7% of your accounts churn, per year.1 That, and as we enter a recession, your team probably has zero budget to play with.  

But, it’s ok … 

You’ve got this. 

Here are 8 ways to win at customer success, even if you’re underfunded.

#1. Start tracking. 

Get data on your side. 

Look for signs. Your clients show what they’re planning to do, ahead of time. If you’re worried about a renewal, monitor them early on. A dip in product use means it’s time to reach out. Don’t wait for a renewal date, start calling now. That’s how you save a customer account from leaving. Have funds and want some help? Consider a customer success automation tool to collect — and act on the data.

#2. Keep improving. 

Engage your users. 

Map out your customer's journey. Find the perfect time and place to get involved. Knowing your buyers’ behavior will help you to deliver a better customer experience. Here’s why. It identifies the key places where engagement drops off. Have your team circle back and find ways to make the customer happy.

#3. Be listening. 

Find what matters. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the data, once you start tracking it. But, while you may want to test, monitor, and improve everything — don’t get too bogged down. Remember the 80/20 rule. About 20% of your customer accounts bring in 80% of the revenue. These are the guys you want to listen to the most. Let them tell you what they need and find ways to deliver on their requests. You’ll be their hero.

#4. Share learning. 

Build power users. 

Think about it. The more entrenched your users are, the more likely they are to renew. So, speed up their growth by training them how to use your product. I’m not just talking about webinars and academies here, though that helps too. Think about the key points they need to succeed and start there. Need to reach thousands of users? Try an automated workflow to reach all users at scale.

 #5. Do benchmarking. 

Learn from others. 

So many companies have built massively successful customer success organizations. You can learn a ton from listening to their experiences; it’s why benchmarking is so important. See how more than 2,000 customers have bought, deployed, and adopted software — successfully. Learn how they’ve used customer success automation to build their business, and then apply the tools that work for you.

#6. Start empowering. 

Help your stakeholders. 

In every customer account, you have an admin responsible for sharing the software with their company. Help them … help you. Make it easy for your stakeholders to train their teams on your product. It’s worth your time. In fact, it’s a proven way to 5x your adoption rate, by simply making sure your stakeholders have the tools they need to get users up to speed on your software. Take the time.

#7. Keep watching.  

Eyes on the prize. 

You’re never done in customer success. Sure, you have data to tell you what’s going on, and great examples to follow, but you can’t lose sight of the goal. You need to renew that account. That means you’ve got to stop any issues before they get too big to threaten your chances. So, make sure to regularly sync with your team and talk about accounts ahead of time, long before they’re in danger.

#8. Go digital. 

Scale your efforts. 

As soon as it makes sense for your company, consider going digital. Here’s why. Imagine if you could reach out to all of your accounts that are at risk, and personally walk them to the right materials to succeed in your product. That's what customer success automation does at scale. It trains every user of yours at the right time, with the right materials, so your chances of renewing their account goes way up. 

That’s it. 

Get started with these 8 ways to win, and if you need help, let us know. You’ve got this 


